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9511 line protection relay

9511 Line protection measuring and control device mainly used to 35KV、10KV、6KVsuch voltage level of user’s works and small municipal engineering projects with no special requirements, the device used the international advanced DSP chip which Set protection, remote control, load protection, and communication in one. Widely used in 35KV, 10KV, 6KV and the following voltage level substation, power plant, and other two power equipment; With the function of protection, telemetry, remote communication, remote control, achieved the unattended function.
Protection function:
01.  protection for a current instantaneous trip                (tripping operation)
02 protection for time delay current instantaneous trip       (tripping operation)
03. Overcurrent                 (tripping operation) 
04. Inverse time over-current       (General / very / extreme; three kinds of anti-time limit can choose one or not.)
05. Overload            (Alarm/trip) for Zero sequence time delay  current instantaneous trip    (tripping operation) for Zero sequence time delay  current instantaneous trip      (tripping operation) for Zero-Sequence definite time over-current   (tripping operation)
09. Protection for Zero-Sequence Over-Current  (General / very / extreme; three kinds of anti-time limit can choose one or not.)
10.Protection for Zero-Sequence Over-Current (Alarm / trip)
11.Protection for Over voltage (tripping operation)
12.Protection for low voltage (tripping operation)
13.Protection for under-frequency load shedding      (tripping operation)
14. Coincidence gate         (Don't check)
15. protection for PT line-break (Alarm) for PT no-voltage (Alarm)
17. protection for loss of close circuit and trip circuit (give an alarm)
Description: in the conditions, the protection function can be increased to meet the needs of the field.
LCD:UAB  UBC  UCA  IA  IC  P  Q  COSΦ  f  io  ia  ib  ic
Channel display:Ia  Ic;Uab  Ucb  io  ia  ib  ic
 explain:UAB/UBC/UCA refers to bus voltage sampling value*N2; IA/IC refers to measured current sampling value*N2; ia ib ic Shows the sampling value of the protection current; io Shows the sampling value of the Zero sequence time delays current instantaneous trip.
Remote control function:
01. Measuring current:IA、IC(sampling value*N2);Ia、Ic( sampling value);
02. Bus voltage:UAB、UBC、UCA(sampling value*N2),Uab、Ucb( sampling value);
03. Frequency:f;
04.Power:P、Q(sampling value*N2);
05. Power factor: cos Ф;
(c) control function:
01. the local closing and local tripping of Circuit breaker
02.the remote closing and tripping of Circuit breaker
(d)Auxiliary function:
01. Operation instruction:When the device is running normally, "run" indicator light has a regular flashing;
02. Power instruction:When the device is operating normally, the "power" indicator light is always on;
03. Abnormal device:checksum error-default, blocking relay will output;
04.Device alarm:Current, the voltage reaches the set value and remains to the set time;
05. Device trip:Current, the voltage reaches the set trip value and remains to the set time;
06. The instruction of closing and tripping
07. Event record:To record 32 events, 32 remote events, 8 self-test events;
08. Online modification:“Protection and retreat” and“Protection fixed value” Modify can be directly modified by computer communications and saved;
09. Online print:Any interface in the protection menu can be printed directly after computer communication;
10. Communication function: With 485 communication mode.
Protective action principle
 protection for current instantaneous trip
1).RLP01   protection for a current instantaneous trip-“in service”;
2).Protection current ia、ib、ic Any one phase≧ Current  protection for current instantaneous trip fixed value(Idz0);
To meet the above conditions, protect the immediate exit B12/B13,Simultaneous drive accident signal relay B14/B15(Until the manual, before returning to the relay),indicator of Panel accident light.
protection for time delay a current instantaneous trip 
1).RLP02 protection for time delay current instantaneous trip -“in”;
2).Protection current ia、ib、ic Any one phase≧ Limit  protection for current instantaneous trip fixed value(Idz1);
3).the time of current input≧ delay the limit protection for current instantaneous trip Tzd1;
 To meet the above conditions,protection immediate runexitB12/B13,Simultaneous drive accident signal relayB14/B15(Until the manual, before returning to the relay),indicator of Panel accident light.
1).RLP03  Over current-“in”;
2).Protection current ia、ib、ic Any one phase≧Current setting value(Idz2);
3).Time of current input≧time Over current delay Tzd2;
To meet the above conditions,protection immediate runB12/B13,Simultaneous drive accident signal relay B14/B15(Until the manual, before returning to the relay),indicator of Panel accident light.
The device provides three inverse time characteristics(According to IEC225-4 standard):
1)General inverse time limit:
                     line protection relay.png     
2)Inverse time limit:
                      feeder protection.png               
3)Extreme inverse time limit:
                    9511 line protection.pngline protection measurement and control device.png  
Above abbrevation,Ip represents the fixed value inverse time limit Current ,Tp  represents the time setting of Current inverse time 
Note: protection for over current and over-current anti-time limit protection shared values and time limits, both at the same time, the inverse time limit protection is invalid.
Coincidence gate
1).RLP14  Coincidence gate-“in service”;
2).When the switch is closed,No blocking reclosure signal,Coincidence gate charge, After charging for 15 seconds, battery charging full symbol displayed on the upper right corner of the liquid crystal 
3). protection for current instantaneous trip、time delay current instantaneous trip and over current, After any of the three-segment of the protection work, detect the value of the residual current is less than that of the value of non current,After the time delay of the coincidence gate, the coincidence gate is coincident.
Description: the coincidence gate only under the following situation: the reclosure will be close when in the condition of the current instantaneous trip, time delays current instantaneous trip the current action.
1).RLP05 Overload-“Alarm/trip”;
2).Protection current ia、ib、ic Any one phase ≧ Overload fixed value(Idz3);
3).the time of current input≧Overload delay Tzd3;
To meet the above conditions,If the "trip" to protection immediate exit B12/B13,Simultaneous drive accident signal relayB14/B15(Until the manual, before returning to the relay)indicator of Panel accident light.
If the "alarm" protection drive the alarm signal relay B14/B16(Until the manual, before the relay return), an indicator of Panel accident light
Zero sequence time delay  current instantaneous trip ent instantaneous trip 
1).RLP06  Zero sequence time delay current instantaneous trip  -“in service”;
2).Zero sequence time delay current instantaneous trip i0 Sample value≧the fixed value of Zero sequence time delay current instantaneous trip (I0dz1);
3).Time of current input≧the fixed value of the time delay current instantaneous trip (TI0zd1);
To meet the above conditions,Protection immediate exit B12/B13,Simultaneous drive accident signal relay B14/B15(Until the manual, before returning to the relay),indicator of Panel accident light
Zero sequence time delay the current instantaneous trip
1).RLP07 Zero sequence time delay current instantaneous trip -“in service”;
2).Sample value of Zero sequence time delay  current instantaneous trip ent i0 ≧Zero sequence time delay  current instantaneous trip(I0dz2);
3).the time of current input≧Zero sequence time delay current instantaneous trip  TI0zd2;
To meet the above conditions,Protection  immediate exitB12/B13,Simultaneous drive accident signal relay B14/B15(Until the manual, relay to return),indicator of Panel accident light
Zero-Sequence definite time over-current 
1).RLP08vZero-Sequence definite time over-current -“in service”;
2).Sample value of Zero sequence time delay current instantaneous trip i0 ≧ Zero-Sequence definite time over-current (I0dz3);
3).The time of current input ≧Zero-Sequence definite time over-current  TI0zd3;
To meet the above conditions, protection the immediate exit B12/B13,Simultaneous drive accident signal relay B14/B15(Until the manual, the relay return ),indicator of Panel accident light
Zero-Sequence definite time over-current 
The characteristic of Zero-Sequence definite time over-current is the same as the Inverse time over-current 
Note: both of the Zero-Sequence definite time over-current and Zero-Sequence Inverse time Over-current in service and Shared numeric value and time limit, the anti-time limit protection is invalid.
Zero sequence time delay current instantaneous trip eSystem for large current or small local resistance,The device is provided with protection for Zero sequence time delay current instantaneous trip ent instantaneous trip current and can choose alarm or trip.
1).RLP10 Zero sequence time delay current instantaneous trip -“Alarm/trip”;
2).Sample value for Zero sequence time delay current instantaneous trip i0 ≧fixed value of Zero sequence time delay current instantaneous trip (Iodz);
3).Time of current input≧the delay time of Zero sequence time delay  current instantaneous trip ent instantaneous trip current  TIozd;indicator of Panel accident light
To meet the above conditions, if the“trip” protection immediate runB12/B13,Simultaneous drive accident signal relay B14/B15(Until the manual, before returning to the relay),if“alarm” Protection for immediately driving alarm signal relay B14/B16(Until the manual, relay to return),indicator of Panel accident light
1).RLP11  Overvoltage-“in service”; 
2).Three-phase line voltage Uab、Ubc、Uca choose Sampling median value,Maximum line voltage≧ Overvoltage fixed value(Udz1);
3).Over voltage sampling delay time≧Overvoltage delay(TUzd1);
To meet the above conditions,protection immediate runB12/B13,Simultaneous drive accident signal relay B14/B15(Until the manual, before returning to the relay),indicator of Panel accident light
low voltage
1).RLP12  low voltage-“in service”; 
2).Three-phase line voltage Uab、Ubc、Uca Sampling values are all the same≦ fixed value of Low voltage (Udz2);
3).Low voltage sampling delay time≧the fixed time of Low voltage delay(TUzd2);
4).Three phase line voltage≧30V;
    To meet the above conditions, Protection immediate exitB12/B13,Simultaneous drive accident signal relayB14/B15(Until the manual, before returning to the relay),indicator of Panel accident light
Under-frequency load shedding
1).RLP13 Low-frequency load shedding-“in”;
2).Measuring current C Phase sampling current value is not less than 0.3A;
3). Sample value≦ Low-frequency load shedding(Dpjz);
4).the time of current input≧Low-frequency load shedding Tdp;
To meet the above conditions, protection immediate run B12/B13,Simultaneous drive accident signal relay B14/B15(Until the manual, before returning to the relay),indicator of Panel accident light
 PT line-break
1).RLP16  PT line-break-“in service”;
2).A phase voltage sampling value ≧  PT line-break voltage value(Upt1),The rest of the two-phase voltages in at least one phase sampling value<  PT line-break voltage value(Upt1);
To meet the above conditions, Device delay 10S and run the protection for PT line-break, Drive alarm signal relay B14/B16(Until the manual, before returning to the relay),indicator of Panel  alarm light
 PT no-voltage 
1).RLP17 PT  PT no-voltage -“in service”;
2).Three phase line voltage is less than PT Loss of pressure(Upt2);
3).Protection current ia、ib、ic Anyone phase ≧ 0.3A;
  To meet the above conditions, device delay 10Soccur PT Pressure loss protection,Drive alarm signal relay B14/B16(Until the manual, before returning to the relay),indicator of Panel alarm light
loss of close circuit and trip circuit
1).RLP18 loss of close circuit and trip circuit-“in service”;
2).At the same time, the signal is collected.,Or at the same time the close and break signal can not be collected ,Duration time≧ delay time of loss of close circuit and trip circuit(TKZDX);
To meet the above conditions, the device protects for the loss of close circuit and trip circuit,and drive alarm signal relay B14/B16(Until the manual, before returning to the relay),indicator of Panel alarm light

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